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控制系学术报告:Optimal Lyapunov-based quantum control for quantum systems

[来源:宣传办公室 作者: 时间:2012-04-15 21:31:00 点击: 2843 次]

报告题目:Optimal Lyapunov-based quantum control for quantum systems




摘要:Quantum Lyapunov control was developed in order to transform a quantum system from arbitrary initial states to a target state. The idea is to find control fields that steer the Lyapunov function to zero as t infinity, meanwhile the quantum system is driven to the target state. In order to shorten the time required to reach the target state, we propose two designs to optimize Lyapunov control in this paper. The first design makes the Lyapunov function decrease as fast as possible with a constraint on the total power of control fields, and the second design has the same purpose but with a constraint on each control field. Examples of a three-level system demonstrate that the evolution time for Lyapunov control can be significantly shortened, especially when high control fidelity is required. Besides, this optimal Lyapunov-based quantum control is robust against uncertainties in the free Hamiltonian and decoherence in the system compared to conventional Lyapunov control.

报告人简介:侯少程, 2005年进入大连理工大学物理与光电工程学院电子科学与技术专业学习,2009年获学士学位。现为大连理工大学物理与光电工程学院理论物理专业博士生,研究方向为量子信息与量子控制,已在TOP期刊Physical Review A和Annals of Physics发表论文3篇。